The St. Petersburg branch of FWA meets at the main library once a month. Our last meeting, we had the privilege of hearing Ron Riekki, author of U.P. (website: talk about being a writer and being successful.

His words pushed me, encouraged me, and made me cringe thinking about what I should be doing, but wasn’t doing yet. He strives to write something (poem, short story, etc), every day. He strives to submit something (poem, short story, etc) every day. When he described the person who submits their one novel, then checks their snail or email again and again, and then becomes devastated by rejection, it sounded familiar.

If a writer is submitting every day, he said, the rejections may start piling in your inbox or mailbox, but the acceptances will start coming eventually, too. Then the rejections won’t be so devastating because the writer won’t be hanging in the balance with their one novel.

Another recommendation he made for those serious about writing: get a website.

I’ve heard it before. On my blog archive, you will see that I started blogging in 2009. I felt pushed to do it. Seriously, I would never have started without the recommendation of conferences, writers, etc. I held off as long as possible. My reasoning said, if I liked writing about myself, I would write nonfiction.

After the meeting, I felt pushed again. I had to stop putting it off and get my own website. Plus, who knew if I could get my own name as the domain? I believe the Lord pushed me, too, because was available, and who knows how much longer that would have been true? Only He knows.

A huge thanks to Cate Infanti (C.A. Bronson) who got me started with the user-friendly and inexpensive Google Apps.


  1. Well congratulations! That is a huge success. It's amazing how our own mind creates some dampening fear or insecurity that stiffles our successes. I think that's great!

  2. I'm starting to feel I should get a website, too, beyond just having a blog. More work that's not writing, though!

    It's definitely a great goal to create something every day. I feel pretty proud if I just manage to write a few words each day, though... at least it keeps the writing fresh.

  3. I got a new website too

    and I tagged you in this "things I like" blog post: :-)


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