eBook release date announced: Little Angel Helper

Little Angel Helper
a novella
Release Date:
Saturday, Dec 20, 2014

In July, I wrote a live story on this blog called "Little Angel Helper." For seventeen days in a row, I made daily entries. The hosts of the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine provided a prompt for anyone who wanted to join them in a live story blogging event. This was the first time I'd ever written a live story, and I ended up with a novella.

Currently, the story is still available to read. Click HERE to start from the beginning and click Newer Post to read the next segment. After publication, the live story will be removed from my blog. If you'd like to read the story for free, now is your chance!

On Dec 20th, I'll publish the story in the Kindle Store and possibly elsewhere. Stay tuned for more info.
