Are Some Goals Unattainable?
I'm wondering if I've given myself an unattainable goal for the month of December. I had the bright idea that because I didn't do NaNoWriMo, that I should try writing 50,000 words a month later just to see if I could. November was a really busy month for me, as it is for most people. Why I thought it would be easier to do in December is a mystery to me now. This past weekend I didn't write a word...Not a word! I went to Orlando to spend time with family, watched Christmas movies, painted ornaments, went to see the Spectacle of Dancing Lights at MGM (I refuse to call it Hollywood Studios), and didn't get home until midnight last night. An entire weekend, and I didn't write. And yet I had so much fun getting into the spirit of the season. There's the rub: to write or not to write? There wasn't a reason not to write, per se, but when I purposefully go somewhere to spend time with family, it's really hard for me to isolate myself to ge...