The Prometheus Saga Author Interview: Marathon by Doug Dandridge
AUTHOR DOUG DANDRIDGE Our featured author today is Doug Dandridge , author of " Marathon ", a short story in The Prometheus Saga . " Marathon " is available for FREE on Kindle today, 2/23-2/27, so be sure to download your copy! Welcome, Doug. What inspired you to launch / join The Alvarium Experiment ? I was asked to join by one of the other authors, whom I had met at a writer’s conference in my home town. I’m always looking for new ways to promote, and had just recently put a short story in an anthology by Kevin J Anderson, so, as this seemed interesting, I jumped at the invitation. I still don’t know what the result will be of participation, part of what makes it an experiment, but it was a lot of fun writing the story. What are some of the benefits and challenges of writing “into” an existing framework for Prometheus as a character? How did that shape your creative process for your story? Is it different from your usual writing process? Well, to start...